Throughout the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic, our top priority has always been the health and safety of our employees and the customers that we serve. We modified our business to minimize risks to our operations and supply chain from the start of it.
Our staff work remotely and can be contacted during standard office hours. We continue to provide technical support through telephone, video calling and email, and our Service Department remains on hand. Our Local Area Sales Managers and distributors are available to receive any enquiries.
We have structured our warehouse operations so that we can continue to supply our products; stock levels are good; and our distribution network can maintain delivery services. We are ready to assist, wherever possible, with the urgent needs of customers who are required to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak.
Keeping up-to-date with developments in the pandemic and implementing any further adaptations following guidance from authorities has become an important part of our daily work.
Contributing to the fight against Covid-19
Alongside our role as a key supplier of products and services to cutting-edge health research facilities, some of our customers are involved in investigating and monitoring the virus. We now provide a critical link in the logistics of the Covid-19 vaccines that are becoming available and are being administered in a variety of health and public outlets.
While there are now several approved vaccines against Covid-19, these vary in the temperature required for their effective storage from -20°C to -75°C. Providing the right cold storage temperature for each vaccine is essential. High-quality cold storage equipment is vital. The precision, reliability and temperature stability that our products offer have become more relevant than ever.
"We remain dedicated to providing key products and services during challenging times.”
Find out more about PHC Europe’s contribution to the Covid-19 pandemic